Every person with brain impairment deserves Intendu
Brain - body cognitive training at home
Intendu helps people with brain impairments to train their cognitive skills at home.
Our Active Brain Trainer console helps practice thinking, memory and attention skills using real-life interactive scenarios.

Train at home, turn wasted downtime into meaningful training that contributes to your cognitive performance

Motion Powered
Combining your brain training with physical activity enhances brain recovery potential and contributes to a very engaging experience

Fun and engaging real-life scenarios drive the transfer to enhanced daily life functioning and ensure ongoing motivation

The personalized training program is optimized in real-time, adjusting the pace and challenge to the user’s performance, biofeedback and rehabilitation needs
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Highly recommended by top therapists at leading rehabilitation centers

Evidence and science based
Intendu is grounded on evidence-based paradigms and the latest research in neuroscience, rehabilitation and neuropsychology. In addition, we are constantly validating and improving our solution’s effectiveness through self-conducted research

Award Winning

See what our users are saying

” Eight months ago I was severely injured in a terror attack while I was in a course in the army. During my rehabilitation I started to use the Intendu software. The software helps me in developing new ways of thinking and planning how to approach things. “
Yarin Eshcenazi

” Intendu is changing my husband’s recovery and life for the better. His ability to move, to speak and to reason are improved even to my eyes. Since I’m with him almost all the time, it is hard for me to recognize the little improvements, and the improvements that he’s experienced are noticeable even by me! ”
Carol Schlintz – Caregiver

” We consider Intendu an integral part of our daughter’s daily therapy. We incorporate it into our day along with her physical therapy and occupational therapy so that we have three daily activities to help her get closer to her goals. The game remains an activity that she looks forward to. “
Angie Aiken – Mom
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How can Intendu contribute to your therapy?
Our unique console was designed to take on brain impairments caused by various medical conditions.
Choose a medical condition to learn how we can help:
Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain injuries differ from one person to another. The location of the damage determines the cognitive challenges the person has to cope with. Some challenges might include difficulty with initiating, planning and monitoring a task, while others might cause changes in ones’ ability to reason, lead to impulsive or rigid behavior, or to memory deficits. Intendu’s personalized training programs allow each brain trauma survivor to create an individualized plan that tackles a specific set of cognitive functions, according to their needs.


Symptoms following a stroke can be life changing and could include memory loss, decreased attention span, impulsiveness, impaired self-awareness, inability to plan, and communication problems. While each stroke survivor might deal with different impairments, Intendu’s large variety of games is designed to enhance a broad range of cognitive functions. Users can train with at least one functional arm, either by playing with their strong arm or practicing the movement of their weaker arm.


Age-Related Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer and other Dementias
As we age, some of our cognitive functions might gradually deteriorate, presenting symptoms that impact our daily life, such as memory impairments, inability to find misplaced items, decreased ability to focus and pay attention, disorientation, trouble completing everyday tasks, and more. Intendu helps to mitigate these deficits, offering brain-body training games that help transfer improved cognitive abilities to one’s daily lives.
Psychiatric Disorders

Psychiatric Disorders

Psychiatric Disorders
People coping with psychiatric disorders might be facing different cognitive impairments, depending on the type of their disorder. Schizophrenia, for example, is associated with deficits in working memory, attention, reasoning and problem solving among others. People with depression might be impaired on effortful tasks involving verbal recall and recognition. With Intendu, different games are integrated into a plan that helps people suffering from psychiatric disorders to cope with those cognitive challenges.


As Intendu’s training console covers a wide range of cognitive functions, it plays a significant role in the rehabilitation process of people suffering from various brain impairments, regardless of cause and origin. By creating a personalized program, each trainee can target the functions that need tending, while the program automatically adapts to his/her progress. If you have a question regarding a specific medical condition not listed here, please feel free to contact us.
The Intendu console includes a motion-controlled plug-and-play video camera with built-in Intendu's cognitive training application